Flashback: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … Bungeeeee

Time to fly

With a Costa Rica trip fast approaching it’s had me thinking back to San Jose… It is 2004 and my friends and I are in the early stages of a Central & South America adventure meandering south from Mexico all the way to Argentina. I could digress here and endlessly reminisce but I’ll spare myself the nostalgia and get back on point.
A couple of us had already tested our nerve at bungee in one of Mexico’s bustling cities, tethered to the bungee cord with not much more than beach towels wrapped around our ankles!
But San Jose’s bungee is different. The scene is surrounded by greenery, it is quiet, natural and tranquil — the perfect setting to launch yourself from an 85 metre bridge.
One by one, friends step up, resolve conflicting thoughts, find mental clarity, place faith in ropes and jump… free fall… bounce, free fall, bounce, free fall and gradually come to a standstill. The jump may be over quickly but a potent mix of adrenalin and endorphins flood the system, lasting for days.
I’m looking forward to returning to this beautiful little country. Wedged between the Caribbean and the Pacific, this nation squeezes so much in: an abundance of biodiversity, cloudy rainforests, volcanoes, mountains, sun, sea & surf… no wonder it’s known for la pura vida.

After the bungee — jumping for joy; the euphoria cannot be contained

Take off


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